Today’s hearing will cover China’s maritime disputes in the East and South China Seas. We’ll examine the security, political, legal, and economic drivers of these disputes in our three panels today. The first panel will begin by discussing the broad security situation on the high seas. As China’s maritime forces have become more capable over the past decade, Beijing has become more confident in its ability to assert its claims in the disputed areas. Beyond China’s “hard” security concerns, however, other domestic, political, and legal elements shape China’s policy in the East and South China Seas. Our second panel will consider popular nationalism as one of these elements. It has become a key driver of Chinese foreign policy as personality politics in Beijing has given way to a collective leadership seeking Party legitimacy. We’ll conclude with a panel on how resources and economic drivers shape China’s maritime disputes. Security of China’s near seas is critical to the unimpeded flow of trade and imported energy resources. Though the natural resources in the East and South China Sea undoubtedly shape the security landscape, there appears to be a debate on the centrality of oil and gas resources to the dispute.
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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission
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