Summary This is a groundbreaking analysis of China’s territorial disputes, exploring the successes and failures of negotiations that have taken place between its three neighbours,…
Summary This is a groundbreaking analysis of China’s territorial disputes, exploring the successes and failures of negotiations that have taken place between its three neighbours,…
Abstract This article examines why Asia’s multilateral defence diplomacy has been a relative laggard when compared to other forms of institutionalized security dialogue, and what…
Abstract Norms of behaviour may play a very important role in resolving the South China Sea dispute, and in reducing the potential for conflict. ASEAN…
Abstract The unresolved maritime claims to all, or parts, of the South China Sea involve Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Taiwan, and China, and have…
Abstract Maritime security is a major concern in the Asia Pacific, yet is riddled with highly complex “wicked problems” that have thus far defied solution.…
Abstract This article discusses the development of the “ASEAN Way”. It argues that the basis of the “ASEAN Way” is constituted by global norms, such…
Summary The member-states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are famed for clinging to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of…
Summary Member states of ASEAN – the Association of South-East Asian Nations – have developed a distinctive approach to political and security co-operation, which builds…
Abstract This article reviews Michael Leifer’s contribution to the study of Southeast Asian regionalism, particularly the role of ASEAN and the ASEAN Regional Forum. Unlike…
Summary Based on primary resources, including documents and extensive interviews with Japanese policy makers, this book provides a comprehensive and detailed empirical analysis of Japan’s…
Summary 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, making Japan one of the United States’s longest and most important…
Summary Japan’s New Defense Establishment: Institutions, Capabilities and Implications traces the evolution of Japanese defense and security policy and implications for the geopolitical environment in…
Abstract This paper traces the evolution of Japan-Southeast Asia security relations over the Cold War and the post-Cold War periods. It makes two main points.…
Abstract After examining different theoretical expectations of how Japan might respond strategically to the rise of China, this article analyzes the evolution of Japan’s policy…