President Barack Obama’s mid-November 2012 post-re-election travel to Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand, including attendance at the East Asia Summit (EAS) and United States-ASEAN Leaders Meeting, marks three important “firsts” for a sitting American president: the first bilateral visits to Myanmar and Cambodia, the first mainland Southeast Asia-only trip, and the first Southeast Asia-only trip. Even more significant is the growing structural importance being accorded to all of Southeast Asia in the context of a broader American rebalance or “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific region. The emphasis on Southeast Asia in the U.S. rebalance to Asia arguably constitutes the most distinctive element of the overall strategy — next only to the inclusion of India. The opportunities and constraints for U.S.-Southeast Asia relations in the immediate years ahead can best be appreciated by understanding how the rebalance strategy implicates Southeast Asia, and how Southeast Asia is critical to its success.
Limaye, Satu P
Published inBlog