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Drezner, Daniel

As the U.S. military intervenes in Libya, a fierce debate has erupted over the possible existence of an Obama doctrine, with a chorus of foreign policy observers bemoaning the United States’ supposed strategic incompetence. Last fall, the columnist Jackson Diehl wrote in The Washington Post, “This administration is notable for its lack of grand strategy — or strategists.” In The National Interest this January, the political scientist John Mearsheimer concluded, “The root cause of America’s troubles is that it adopted a flawed grand strategy after the Cold War.” The economic historian Niall Ferguson took to Newsweek to argue that alleged U.S. setbacks in the Middle East were “the predictable consequence of the Obama administration’s lack of any kind of a coherent grand strategy, a deficit about which more than a few veterans of U.S. foreign policymaking have long worried.” Even the administration’s defenders have damned it with faint praise. The National Journal‘s Michael Hirsh argued that “the real Obama doctrine is to have no doctrine at all. And that’s the way it’s likely to remain.” Hirsh, at least, meant it as a compliment.
But is it true that President Barack Obama has no grand strategy? And even if it were, would that be such a disaster? The George W. Bush administration, after all, developed a clear, coherent, and well-defined grand strategy after 9/11. But those attributes did not make it a good one, and its implementation led to more harm than benefit.
Read the article online here.

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