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Cammack, Paul

Abstract: The creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was welcomed by the World Bank but opposed by the Obamaadministration. The paper explains China’s positive relationship with the Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD) in terms of the mission of the Bank, shared by the OECD, to develop and deepen the global economy. The AIIB and the related Belt and Road initiative promise to do this through investment in infrastructure and connectivity in and around the poorly integrated Eurasian landmass. But while the current Chineseleadership has supported an inclusive global economy based upon free trade and supported by multilateral institutions, China’s control of resources outside the multilateral framework and adherence to practices that challenge liberal principles prompt suspicions that these commitments are either disingenuous or anyway subject to reversal. In itself, therefore, the AIIB provides no conclusive evidence either way on China’s future course. Full text available here

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