Summary In Japan Rising, Kenneth B. Pyle explores the remarkable history of Japan’s shifting foreign policy over the last 150 years. He identifies the common…
Summary In Japan Rising, Kenneth B. Pyle explores the remarkable history of Japan’s shifting foreign policy over the last 150 years. He identifies the common…
Summary Providing a new perspective on post-Cold War Japan, the author argues that Japan must become a “normal” nation–taking responsibility for its freedoms, international status,…
Continue reading Ozawa, Ichirō, Louisa Rubinfien, and Eric Gower
Summary Normalizing Japan seeks to answer the question of what future direction Japan’s military policies are likely to take, by considering how policy has evolved since…
Abstract Since the end of the Cold War, Japan’s acceptance and institutionalization of a non-combat military role to aid the US has led to its…
Summary In this book, Paul Midford engages claims that since 9/11 Japanese public opinion has turned sharply away from pacifism and toward supporting normalization of…
Abstract Jennifer Lind of Dartmouth College examines the conventional wisdom that domestic factors and strong antimilitarist norms have constrained Japan’s security policy since the country’s…
Abstract The recent domestic constructivist studies characterize Japanese security policy as a serious anomaly to realism and a crucial case vindicating their approach to the…
Summary Since the unexpected end of the Cold War, standard arguments about power politics can no longer be adopted uncritically. This has led to a…
Abstract This essay challenges the dominant negative critiques of the foreign policy of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). The DPJ possesses a coherent grand…
Abstract “A crisis almost always reveals the reality, and the Persian Gulf crisis revealed the real Japan. In the moment of truth, an economic superpower…
Summary This book is the first attempt to examine Japan’s relations with Russia from the perspective of national identity; providing a new interpretation of Japan’s…
Summary After suffering crushing military defeats in 1945, both Japan and Germany have again achieved positions of economic dominance and political influence. Yet neither seeks…
Summary Chapters on China, Japan, Russia. Contributors ask whether it is more useful to conceive of the world as arrayed in regional, cultural, institutional complexes…
Abstract The Asian Pacific region is highly unstable, but not for the reasons usually assumed. Contrary to the assertions of Realists, who argue multipolarity makes…
Summary More than a decade has passed since the end of the Cold War, but Asia still faces serious security challenges. These include the current…