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Prospects for Expanding Taiwan’s International Role

Asia Report #34 | September 2015

Taiwan faces a host of challenges in its cross strait relations with a rising China. Among these challenges, Taiwan’s sovereignty and status affect Taiwan’s ability to effectively navigate international institutions and organizations. Nonetheless, Taiwan has made some gains in its participation in international institutions, particularly in the fields of global health and disaster relief. What are the implications of these gains for Taiwan, moving forward? These issues came under scrutiny at a Taiwan Roundtable on “Prospects for Expanding Taiwan’s International Role,” held at the Sigur Center for Asian Studies. The panel included Wei-chin Lee, Professor of Political Science, Wake Forest University, Bonnie Glaser, Senior Adviser for Asia and Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic & International Studies, and Jacques deLisle, Professor of Law and Political Science and Director, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania.

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