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Sarwar, Sahrish and Mahwish Sarwar

Sarwar 2012Summary
This book provides a clear, detailed and current introduction to the importance of energy security as a topic that has been discussed for a long time. Energy plays an important role in the industrial and economic sector of a state to meet its ever increasing demands. South Asian region is facing a number of challenges where energy shortage is at the forefront. India and Pakistan’s foreign policy is driven more and more by its energy security concern. In order to maintain its booming economy, policy makers in India and Pakistan are turning to the repulsive regimes such as Iran. Therefore, it is necessary for economy as well as the people of the entire South Asian region to realize the importance of IPI project as having the potential for peace between India and Pakistan. It may have enormous potential to lock them into an irreversible economic interdependence, thereby strengthening their efforts to promote cooperation in other potential areas. It provides a lucid and accessible analysis of potential benefits and risks regarding IPI Gas pipeline using this to clarify political debates. The two set of expectations can be very different and in fact, conflict with each other.

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